GL X Nikon Black
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GL X Nikon Black

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Bill Honor
Just ordered that beautiful looking bag and very easy to navigate there ordering form and happy they take PayPal Looking forward to seeing n using it Just ordered that beautiful looking bag and very easy to navigate there ordering form and happy they take PayPal Looking forward to seeing n using it
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Gaston Luga
Hi Bill,
That's fantastic to hear! We're thrilled you found our ordering process easy.
We know you'll love your new bag. We can't wait for you to see it in person and start using it.
Alex - Gaston Luga Customer Support
Mr. T
The quality truly exceeded my expectations.
Hsiang Yu
非常喜愛這一款背包,雖然第一次購買時遇到一些小問題,但專業的服務與友善的態度,為產品與品牌更加提升形象! 至今使用兩個月已走訪日本大阪、京都,以及台灣許多景點,無論是一機三鏡加腳架,或是一機一鏡搭配部分衣物行李,容量空間都很適合,還可以帶上不少相機清潔配件,非常方便。 符合人體工學的減重需求,搭配無反相機與鏡頭是最棒的重量配比,同時兼具時尚與美感,讓人在每一次的使用都有著期待與雀躍!
Although there was an initial defect, I am very grateful for the courteous service. I was most attracted to the texture of the product. 初期不良があったが、丁寧なご対応に凄く感謝しております。商品の質感に一番惹かれました。
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I usually use Luren, but the Nikon backpack is made of lighter material and the back part opens wide, which makes it very easy to use for everyday use. If I had to say, I would like a bigger size. I use the bag with the removable camera inside to carry my guitar pedals. I also like that I can attach the dividers as I like, and the Nikon logo makes me feel excited every time I use it. 普段はルーレンを使っているけど、Nikonのバックパックはより軽量素材で、背中の部分が大きく開くのが普段使いにめちゃくちゃつかいやすい。しいていえばもっと大きいサイズが欲しい。中の取り外せるカメラを入れるバッグにはギターのペダルを入れて持ち運ぶのに使ってます。仕切りを自分で好きなようにくっつけられるのもいい、使うたびにNikonのロゴがトキメキを感じさせてくれます。
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A: Hi Jona! The net weight (1.37kg) of the GL X Nikon backpack includes the detachable camera holder. Sincerely, Alex - Gaston Luga Customer Support