Spläsh Crossbody Bag 紫色

Spläsh Crossbody Bag 紫色

Югай Екатерина
簡單,優質的日常包,交貨快,謝謝! Simple, good quality bag for everyday, fast delivery, thank you!
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評價產品: Spläsh Crossbody Bag 經典黑(熱銷預購中,三月份到貨)
評價產品: Spläsh Crossbody Bag 經典黑(熱銷預購中,三月份到貨)
我得到了黑色斜挎包,它太可愛了!喜歡這款錶帶,因為它非常舒適,尺寸完美。包的尺寸也很大。我有一部大手機 (iPhone 12 pro max),它很適合我,還有很多東西。它還具有防水功能,這始終是一個加分項。我唯一想要的是包也有拉鍊。前面的小口袋有一個拉鍊,非常適合存放現金和鑰匙,但為了在非常擁擠的地方完全舒適,我會喜歡在更大的儲物空間裡放一個拉鍊。仍然超級開心,我會給它 5/5 星,強烈推薦! I got the Black Crossbody and it's so cute! Love the strap since it's so comfortable, perfect size. The size of the bag is great as well. I have a big phone (iPhone 12 pro max) and it fits without an issue, and plenty more things. Also it's waterproof which is always a plus. The only thing I would like is that the bag to have a zipper also. There is a zipper on the smaller pocket in the front, perfect for cash and keys, but to be completely comfortable at a very crowded place then I'll like a zipper in the bigger storage. Still super happy and I'll give it 5/5 stars, big recommend!
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評價產品: Spläsh Crossbody Bag 經典黑(熱銷預購中,三月份到貨)
很棒的包 Great bag
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評價產品: Spläsh Crossbody Bag 經典黑(熱銷預購中,三月份到貨)
Gaston Luga
Hi Martina!
Thank you for your review, we hope you enjoy your new Spläsh Crossbody bag!
Alex - Gaston Luga Customer Support
非常好,尺寸剛剛好! Very nice, the size is just alright !
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評價產品: Spläsh Crossbody Bag 經典黑(熱銷預購中,三月份到貨)
Gaston Luga
Hi Chee!
Thank you for your review, we hope you enjoy your new Crossbody bag!
Alex - Gaston Luga Customer Support
欣怡 王
A: Hi 欣怡王! If you go to the Spläsh Crossbody main webpage and scroll down the pictures, you will be able to see a photo of how the inside of the bag looks. https://gastonluga.com/tw/splash-crossbody-bag-black Sincerely, Alex - Gaston Luga Customer Support
Ashley Chan
A: 嗨阿什莉! Spläsh 斜挎包的肩帶寬度為 3 厘米。此致, Alex - Gaston Luga 客戶支持
fanny Li
A: 嗨范妮!不幸的是,橄欖色的 Spläsh 斜挎包僅提供橄欖色搭配黑色中帶的款式,我們沒有任何計劃推出橄欖色搭配橄欖色中帶的。此致, Alex - Gaston Luga 客戶支持
A: 嗨伊查姆!我們的 Spläsh 斜挎包在設計時考慮了女性和男性的需求,因此被認為是男女皆宜的。肩帶可以延長/最小化,以適合不同身材的人。此致, Alex - Gaston Luga 客戶支持
A: 嗨哈斯克爾! Spläsh 斜挎包尺寸為 13.5 x 20 x 7,JBL Flip 5 尺寸為 18.1 x 6.9 x 7.4 厘米。遺憾的是,它無法放入 Spläsh 斜挎包中。此致, Alex - Gaston Luga 客戶支持