Däsh Tote 灰褐色

Däsh Tote 灰褐色

完美,就像我想像的那樣 Perfect, just as I imagined
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評價產品: Däsh Tote 經典黑
這是我的第五個 Gaston Luga 包。我喜歡 Gaston Luga 背包和單肩包。當時正值特價,所以我就買了。我買了之後,黑色星期五促銷時價格降得更多。這款托特包很簡單,很普通。如果不打折的話我是不會買的。 這是我的第五個 Gaston Luga 包。我喜歡 Gaston Luga 背包和單肩包。當時正值特價,所以我就買了。我買了之後,黑色星期五促銷時價格降得更多。這款托特包很簡單,很普通。如果不打折我就不會買。
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評價產品: Däsh Tote 經典黑
Gaston Luga
Hi Romi,
Thank you for your review and continued support as a loyal Gaston Luga customer! We're so glad to hear you love our backpacks and shoulder bags. We understand the frustration with price changes, and we appreciate your honest feedback about the tote bag. We're always working to provide the best value for our customers, and your thoughts help us improve.
Alex - Gaston Luga Customer Support