Däsh 背包 16" 橄欖綠

Däsh 背包 16" 橄欖綠

原本顧慮這種材質的包包容易看起來有油漬、水漬,幸好用清水即可擦拭乾淨, 外觀比一般的電腦包來得好看,東西少時,背包的體積也比一般的電腦包來得薄,總體來說相當滿意。 原本顧慮這種材質的包包容易看起來有油漬、水漬,幸好用清水即可擦拭乾淨, 外觀比一般的電腦包來得好看,東西少時,背包的體積也比一般的電腦包來得薄,總體來說相當滿意。
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評價產品: Däsh 背包 16" 經典黑
Gaston Luga
Hi Reg,
Thank you for sharing your experience!
We're glad to hear that you find it easy to clean with just water, which addresses your initial concerns about potential stains. This material indeed offers durability and convenience in maintenance, allowing you to keep your backpack looking fresh effortlessly.
Moreover, we're pleased that you find the appearance of this backpack more appealing compared to traditional computer bags.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us.
Alex - Gaston Luga Customer Support
正在尋找一款適合我的 16 吋筆記型電腦的包,並且偶然發現了這款背包。時尚的設計檢查!輕量級檢查!防水檢查!勾選所有方塊!一定會推薦這個! Looking for a bag that fits my 16" laptop and chance upon this backpack. Fit 16" laptop check! Sleek Design check! lightweight check! Waterproof check! Ticks all of the box! Would definitely recommend this!
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評價產品: Däsh 背包 16" 經典黑
Gaston Luga
Hi there,
Thank you so much for your review! We're thrilled to hear that our backpack met all your needs, from accommodating your 16" laptop to its sleek design, lightweight feel, and waterproof features. Your recommendation means a lot to us!
Alex - Gaston Luga Customer Support
包的品質是一流的(內部和外部)。簡約的設計適合日常穿搭和不同場合的搭配。有史以來最值得購買的! Quality of the bag is top notch (both internal and external). Minimalist design to match daily outfit and to match different occasion. Best buy ever!
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評價產品: Däsh 背包 16" 經典黑
Gaston Luga
Hi Bryan,
Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that you love the quality and design of the bag. It's great to know that it complements your daily outfits and suits various occasions.
We appreciate your support and are delighted that you consider it your best buy ever!
Alex - Gaston Luga Customer Support
我喜歡簡單的都市輪廓以及打開和關閉的便利性。 買回來後突然下大雨,但裡面一點也沒濕。用毛巾擦拭表面會很快乾燥,即使髒了也很容易清潔。 說到貪婪,我希望側袋再寬一點。 シンプルで都会的なシルエット、開け閉めの簡単さがとても気に入っています。 購入後いきなり豪雨に打たれましたが、中は全く濡れませんでした。表面はタオルで拭くとすぐに乾いたので、汚れたとしてもお手入れが簡単そうです。 欲を言うと、サイドポケットをもう少し広く取ってほしかったです。
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評價產品: Däsh 背包 16" 經典黑
Gaston Luga
Hi Shinya,
Thank you for your feedback!
We’re delighted to hear that you appreciate the simple, urban silhouette and the ease of opening and closing the bag. It’s great to know that the bag performed well during heavy rain and that it dries quickly with a simple wipe.
We also appreciate your suggestion about the side pockets and will take it into consideration for future designs.
Alex - Gaston Luga Customer Support
我原本使用的是另一個系列的包,但它使用起來非常方便且易於清潔,所以這次我買了它,因為我正在尋找一個足夠大以適合我的電腦工作!我很期待使用它! 元々他のシリーズのバッグを使用してますが とても使い勝手が良いのと手入れがしやすいので 今回は仕事用にPC の入るサイズの物を探したいたので 購入しました!使うのが楽しみです!
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評價產品: Däsh 背包 16" 經典黑
Gaston Luga
Hi Ai,
Thank you for your feedback! We're thrilled to hear that you've been enjoying the other series of bags and find them easy to use and maintain. It's great that you chose a size that fits your laptop for work. We hope you enjoy using it!
Alex - Gaston Luga Customer Support